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Pillars to Progress

Taking your life from chaos to clarity!

Your journey to a more organized life is closer than you think.


Pillars To Progress is a task and achievement tracker that will help you create step-by-step achievable goals.

What if you never had to stress about how to accomplish your day to day tasks?

What if you never had to stress about how to get it all done?

What if you never doubted your capabilities again?

What if you never had to stress about how to accomplish your wildest dreams again?

What if you never had to wonder if you were built for this big dream? (hint: you are.)


With Pillars To Progress, learn how to bring clarity to your goals, how to achieve your day to day tasks and long term dreams and ultimately change your life in 12 short months.

I get it. We are all busy. Whether you are a working woman, or man, a bada$$ stay-at-home mom, a full-time working student, or a new entrepreneur looking to take their business to the next level, it is almost impossible these days to find the time to invest in yourself and to get all “the things” done.


You are overwhelmed with the daily commitments to this world and have long lists,  big ideas, and even bigger dreams. I mean, where would you even begin if you decided to take a leap of faith and put to action these big plans of yours? You have mountain-sized goals and dreams, but how do you know what your goals should even be to make them attainable? 


Pillars To Progress is a task and achievement tracker that will help overwhelmed planners and dreamers create step by step achievable goals. This program will help you get out of the emotional stress of feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis and gain valuable insight on how to achieve short (even if it’s just cleaning out the pantry) and long-term goals (like those BHAG goals that only feel like a dream right now). 


You will come out of this program with monthly, weekly, and even daily attainable tasks that you can work on to turn your biggest dream into a reality. You will have a deep understanding of what your plan is to achieve the level of success and completion you are hoping for. You will feel more organized, re-energized, successful, and motivated than you ever have before. 


Make your dreams a reality.
Now is the time to buy.

About Me


My name is Di, I am a busy wife, mom, mother-in-law, dog mom, fitness enthusiast,  passionate friend, traveler, and a successful business owner.


I started my career as a part-time Marketing and Communications Manager, focusing on social media, communications, and event planning for a fabulous non-profit.

I have always been passionate about the social side of my work,  which in turn drove me to create a business called Be Social KC in 2016.


With Be Social KC, I serve as a Relationship Marketing Strategist for businesses. I help them connect with their audience through various marketing techniques. 


As you can imagine, juggling all the things I am responsible for can be overwhelming.  I created this program as a way to bring more organization and clarity to my daily tasks, as well as to my big dreams and goals. By using this technique to measure and track all the goals and progress in my life, I have been able to end the cycle of “production mode” and have found my goals much more attainable.


My achievement has extended beyond my business goals in that I have also realized my goals for my home, personal, physical, and spiritual life


Overall, by using the Pillars to Progress in my own life, I have been able to check things off my daily to-do list, my annual desire list, and complete the goals from my vision board successfully.


I could go on about how this program changed my life, but let’s talk about how to get you started changing your life!

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I’m ready!
I need this!
Let’s do this!

I want to congratulate you on reading this far and considering taking that leap to reclaim your time and achieve those big dreams by taking simple, achievable and measurable steps in all the PILLARS of your life, each and every day! 


And if you haven’t hit that purchase button yet, right about now you are probably saying one, two or all of these.

“I have no extra time to learn something new.”

“What if I do not know what my goals are?”

“What if I don't even know what my desire really is?”

“I don’t even have a vision.”

“I wish I had the extra time to put into organizing all I want to do.”

“I am super unfocused.”

“I already am overwhelmed.”

Believe me, I have heard (and said) it all!


The truth is, starting ANY new adventure in life is scary. That’s OK! The good news is, you don't have to know where to begin. You don’t have to come to this program with your plans all figured out. This program is here to help you find your purpose, figure out your goals, create more time in your life, and ultimately achieve your dreams, even if it’s just cleaning out the pantry!  


Because this program is tailored to your specific dreams and desires, this program is really for everyone! 


What about Business owners and Entrepreneurs? Absolutely!


How about Moms, Dads, Students? Definitely! 


No matter your job title, level of experience, or stage of life, this program is for you. Ultimately, if you are a dreamer, this is the place you need to be.




What does the Pillars To Progress program look like?


As you begin this micro-course, there are two main things I ask of you to set yourself up for success.



The first being that you set aside some time as you get started to dream BIG! By creating your list of Dreams & Desires, you will be able to take all those wants and break them down into quarterly and monthly goals with actionable steps.  


The second thing I ask of you is to set just one hour each month to reflect on the past month and begin to plan the month ahead. 




The hope here, and the way I have strategically created this program to be, is that you front-load the work at the start of each month so your goals each week actually free up time in your schedule, rather than making you feel overwhelmed with a lengthy to-do list. 


It is all about being strategic with our precious time!


As you get started, realize that this is a full year program. So begin in the month you are currently in. You do not have to wait for a new year to get started. Get started TODAY! 


When you purchase the Pillars to Progress Program you will get self guided worksheets that include:

  1. Dreams and Desires Brainstorm

  2. 90-Day Pillar Planner

  3. Monthly Planning

  4. Weekly Overview

  5. Action Planning

  6. Weekly Affirmations

  7. Monthly Review & Journal


Each step will come with its own worksheet to help guide you. You will never be left to just “figure it out”!

Still not convinced this program is right for you?


Below is a list of every item you receive as a part of the Pillars To Progress program.


  • Dreams and Desires Worksheet

    • A $400 Value

  • 90 Day Plan Worksheet

    • A $350 Value

  • Monthly Planning Worksheets - (Home/Health, Health/Fitness, Mental/Personal, Spiritual, Business/Financial)

    • A $150 Value

  • Weekly Planning Worksheets - (Home/Health, Health/Fitness, Mental/Personal, Spiritual, Business/Financial)

    • A $150Value

  • Weekly Actions Planning Template: Action Steps 

    • A $150 Value

  • Weekly Affirmation Worksheet: (Mantra & Power Statements) 

    • A $150 Value

  • Monthly Review Worksheet – Results of TOP Goals, Reflection  

    • A $100 Value

  • Monthly Journal

    • A $100 Value


In addition to all the program materials, you will also receive a BONUS List of 5 book recommendations from me that will help facilitate a high-functioning mentality so you can stay motivated and achieve your wildest dreams!


PLUS!!  Exclusive access to the Pillars to Progress Facebook Group where you will receive tips, encouragement, a place to ask questions, or if you need help while working on your goals!

Yes…The entire program for a ONE TIME price of $98.
With the dramatic value that you are receiving, why wait? Don’t!

So now YOU ARE READY to change your life. What’s next?

Here’s how this works:

Step 1

Click on the button below to sign up for the Pillars To Progress program.



Step 2

Check your inbox for your digital download and immediate, lifetime access to get started.


Step 3

Now you are ready to start the program! Read through all of the introduction materials and follow the instructions to get started. If you ever need help or have any questions, I am available along the way to help you out. You are never expected to do this alone. 

Refund Policy

I truly believe you will love the way this product will change your life. However, due to the digital nature of this product there will be no refunds after purchase.

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